Auxiliary Programs
Promote patriotism and responsible citizenship and to educate every citizen on the fundamentals of American government and the value of active, informed involvement.
Veteran’s Affairs and Rehabilitation
Provide service and financial assistance to veterans and their families in restoring the veteran and his family to normal function — physically, mentally, socially and vocationally while attending to the hospitalized, handicapped and homebound veterans. The Auxiliary's gift shops and holiday parties have become an essential part of the VA program. Equipment and supplies are purchased by caring members to upgrade and facilitate the level of care provided in veterans' facilities. The Auxiliary plays a necessary and important role in the life of America's veterans.
Distribute millions of bright red crepe paper Poppies in exchange for contributions to assist disabled and hospitalized veterans. The Poppy has become a nationally known and recognized Memorial Day symbol to honor the men and women who served and died for their country.
Girl’s State
Teach young women responsible citizenship and love for God and Country. Since the inception of the program in 1937, nearly one million young high school girls have had the opportunity to spend an intensive week of study in the functioning of their state's government.
Community Service
Work with Community Service projects sponsored by American Legion Posts and other community service organizations to implement practical, worthwhile projects to make our communities better places in which to live