Commander's Call
The American Legion was chartered in 1919 by the United States Congress. It primary function was to serve veterans as well as service members. It presently is one of the most influential nonprofit groups in America. Membership has grown rapidly and presently there are over 2.4 million members in 14,000 post worldwide.
Over the years the American Legion has affected social change in America winning many benefits for our deserving veterans. The official name "The American Legion" was adopted in May 1919. That same year the first national convention was convened in Minneapolis, MN, at which time Indianapolis, IN, was selected as the national headquarters instead of Washington DC. In 1921, due to efforts by the Legion, the U.S. Veterans Bureau was created. It is now known as the Veterans Administration. In 1923 the American Legion drafted the first "Flag Code" but it was not until 1942 that Congress adopted the Legions Flag Code. In 1925 the Legion created the American Legion Baseball program with over 80,000 youths playing today. In June 1935 the first American Legion Boys State was convened in Springfield, IL.
Auburn's Richard W. Townsend Post 84 has its own rich history. This Post is regularly involved in many civic activities throughout the year. Participation in those events by Post members varies. The effectiveness and impact the Post can have on the community is directly related in the personal involvement of each member. Remember, this Post will only be as effective as our members make it. Consider coming to one of our monthly meetings (2nd Wednesday of each month) and seeing what is discussed and how your input affects our programs. Get involved and share your enthusiasm.
Rudy Pelzman
Past Commander