
Richard W. Townsend Post 84


Welcome to 2012.  How time flies.

Our Post is doing a good job signing up new members and renewing old memberships thanks to Court, however we each need to step up to the plate and try to bring in more new members. The best way is to start up a conversation with someone you know or just a person you meet at a function and find out if they are qualified to join. If they express any interest, sign them up right away.

All of us know the value of a good woman.  We have a wonderful Women’s Auxiliary group to support our Legion Activities.  We hold an Annual Auxiliary Appreciation Dinner to show that we care.

Girls State and Boys State activities are just getting started to roll. It’s a great program, and working with those bright, enthusiastic students is a real joy.

Our post has a recognition program.  We will soon honor outstanding members of Law Enforcement, Emergency Responders, Educators, Community and American Legion Post members.

Our post is active on all patriotic days of remembrance and all American Legion Programs.

I would like to personally thank the individuals that helped coordinate and volunteered in these events.

Our Post has been very busy hosting a variety of events.  We could do much more, but only a small group of members make it all happen.

We have hundreds of members in our post, yet few actively participate in the coordination or execution of our events.  If our post is to continue in Auburn, we must all get involved to serve our Post and our community.

The time has come for every member of Post 84 to give back. Each of us needs to make an effort to honor all four pillars of our great organization.

What I propose to each and every member is not asking alot from you, simply this – let the Post 84 officers know how we can get YOU better involved!!  I am personally challenging each and every member to let me know how we can help you give back to our great Post and our great community!

I sincerely hope that these few words will spark a desire in you to become involved in the Legion activities and functions.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas individually.  Please feel free to contact me by calling the Legion or come to the monthly meeting.

For God and Country,

Jodi Lesnikowski, Post 84 Commander